NATIONAL PARK EXPERIENCES er partner med Danmarks yngste nationalpark, Nationalpark Kongernes Nordsjælland, og tilbyder rolige sanselige natur- og kulturoplevelser gennem et væld af oplevelser der rammer noget for en hver smag og behov.

Hos NATIONAL PARK EXPERIENCES favner vi bredt – og designer oplevelser til både det danske og det internationale marked. 

NATIONAL PARK EXPERIENCES bygger på værdier om at bibringe alle gæster dyb oplevelse af naturforbundethed, og arbejder i tæt relation til og respekt for den natur vi færdes i.

Our experience’s product palette is divided according to the elements of nature, and always contains the opportunity to experience bodily and sensually, to contribute co-creatively to the creation of the experience, and to be part of a social and like-minded community for a while. 

NATIONAL PARK EXPERIENCES experiences last from 3 to 24 hours and you are offered a wide variety of offerings as well as well-trained, competent and service-minded nature guide staff when you are on a nature-connecting nature experience with us.